Refuge is when your mind finds a place to which it can grow. A like mind would be amazing, unfortunately, no such thing has ever reared it's head.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I Like Politics, I Hate Politicians
What is wrong with our political system? It's not the system, it is the crazies running it. We are so drowned in our own political circle jerks that to change a view for the good of the countryis political suicide. We elect officials that have strong views because the only people that vote are the crazies with slightly psychotic and somewhat pessimistic views about our government. That's why the religious right and the commie left are the only ones represented, because they are the only ones with the smarts to vote. And when a cray votes, naturally, they vote crazily. As they walk into the voting booth,they wonder to themselves, "who can fuck up the worst, but in the craziest way?" and then they mark [L. Craig] and wonder why he's so damn nuts 4/8/12/16/20 years later. So many people complain about how screwed up our government is, but then they say, "No, I don't vote, my vote isn't counted" because their 5th grade teacher gave a tangent giving them an unspecific attempt at telling the class what the electoral college is. It's phenominal how completely ignorant we all are.
Then there's the fuck ups we put in office. Not only are they bound and tied by high election campaign costs, making them the eternal butt slave of many corporations, but then they begin to enjoy screwing up america so much, they just keep going. Also, we have within the system the wonderful 2 party system, which basically guarantees that all those in office will vote the same as the guy sitting next to them. And if they don't there is a guy assigned as the whip (I can't make this shit up) to basically beat the shit out of the renegade congressman and make sure he never does it again (I know there are women congresspeople, but there are too few, therefore it is politically correct get over yourself.)
So basically we have a system where the votes will be forever predictable, this man will vote this way that man will vote that way. It's not even because of political ideology either. It is the lack of balls in congress, itis the amount of money that it takes to get to where they are. It is basically a giant orgy of stupidity that has a cage around it,one for each side of the aisle. If you stop contributing to the orgy and try to run away to the other cage because you have a good idea, or you try to stop the orgy because orgies do not help the people, some guy, either a crazy voter or a fellow crazy congressman, will castrate them and make sure they leave the orgy forever.
And that's why congress can't get anything done, they are too busy with their massive butt sex orgy.
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1:37 PM