Friday, September 14, 2007

Bush is like a Bad Father

"The principle guiding my decisions on troop levels in Iraq is: return on success. The more successful we are, the more American troops can return home,” -Bush

In other words, "finish all the food on your plate or you don't leave." All the while you are staring at your inedible food, contemplating how to palate such a horrible concoction whilst the watchful eyes of your family stare through you as though you mean nothing to them until the plate is as clean as it left the dishwasher.

This is the mentality of our commander-in-chief, I will bring them home when they are a)dead or b) done with a mission that is impossible. Now, some may be saying, "well all we otta do is blow up them terrorist people and its over." but unfortunately it isn't that simple.

Let's start a the beginning of modern warfare with WWI, the so called war to end all wars. This war was started by the rampant overuse of secret negotiations among neighboring and otherwise allied countries so as to protect their better interests. US only got involved to simply end the war, and 10 million men later this was accomplished. With the end of this war came Woodrow Wilson's Versailles Treaty which basically kicked Germany whilst down, but the war was over, and everyone was happy, except the losers. 20 years later, Germany with the oratory genius of Hitler regained its military passion and started kicking butt once again. Meanwhile Stalin and his gang of bandits started regaining its military prowess for a possible war with Germany, which it eventually got (yay?). After Hitler was dead and WWII finally finished up, the cold war immediately preceded. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the United States had risen from WWII as the main world powers, however their viewpoints were contradictory, therefore, they stared eachother to death with giant nuclear weapons for whoever blinks first. Then in 1948 Israel declared independence, pissing off every Muslim in the world, and US supported their subsequent fight for the aforementioned. Then oil became a bigger friggin deal. As a result, the USSR did what any other crazed overpowered country would do, try to take over the middle east. In an effort to turn the tide, the United States did what any other crazed overpowered nation that hated another crazed overpowered nation that happened to be trying to invade a country that had oil would do, they gave weapons to terrorists. That's right, the US gave weapons and training to Osama bin Laden back in the 80's, why? To curb communism of course. Then, Bush 1 went into Iraq in '91 to get Saddam Hussein. Of course, he had to go in through Saudi Arabia, holy land for the Muslims. He accomplished the destruction of Saddam's army in record time, just over 6 months, and righted the wrong of killing innocent people in the most horrid way imaginable (he gassed the Kurds in random attacks with biological weapons, (supplied by the US to curb communism in 1954)), but now every Muslim was really pissed at the US for stepping into their holy land.

And that, in a really simplistic way, is why Osama hates us. Why does this matter? Because history shows that war simply begets more war as hate begets hate. So what will this Iraq engagement do in the future for US-Muslim relations? Only the future can tell, but so far history is telling us that it isn't going to roses and posies. My prediction:

We're Fucked.

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